Shrimp - Crystal Red
Shrimp - Crystal Red
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The Crystal Red Shrimp is a one of the most popular and coveted shrimp for the hobbyist, due to their bold, unique coloring and the challenge of raising them. Crystal Red Shrimp require very specific water parameters and near perfect water quality. They are ideally kept in a Crystal Red Shrimp-only tank because of their precise care needs. However, they are non-aggressive and active shrimp. These shrimp are not recommended for beginners, particularly because their high price point and difficult care requirements means that there is little room for mistakes. However, with a little experience under your belt these gorgeous shrimp are worth the extra effort.
Tropical Insight
Care Level - Moderate
Diet - Omnivores
Max Size - 1"male to 1.5"female
Family - Caridina
Water Recommendations:
Temp. - 64 to 76
Gh - 4 to 6
Kh - 0 to 2
Ph - 6.0 to 7.5
TDS - 100 to 200 PPM
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimens.