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Livebearer - Swordtail Calico Sanke - LSCSN

Livebearer - Swordtail Calico Sanke - LSCSN


Regular price $11.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.99 USD
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The Koi Sanke Swordtail is a rather uncommon and very colorful swordtail variation that has ample orange, black, and white/silver koi-like coloration. As is typical with swordtails, males often have a long "sword" extension at the bottom of the tail, although some females can also develop a sword. Reliable sexing can be done by checking the anal fin.

Tropical Insight

Care Level - Easy

Temperament - Peaceful

Diet - Omnivore

Max Size - 5in

Family - Poeciliidae

Water Recommendations:

Temp. - 65 to 80

Kh - 10 to 30

Ph - 7.0 to 8.3

Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimens.

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