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Catfish - Cory Brochis Splendens

Catfish - Cory Brochis Splendens


Regular price $16.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.99 USD
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A large growing and colorful armored catfish, the Emerald Cory or Emerald Brochis has a wide range throughout much of the Amazon basin. Like most cory catfish, they are peaceful, hardy, and best kept in groups due to their schooling nature. Because of their larger adult size than most of their relatives, this species makes for great bottom feeders or dithers in aquariums with medium South or Central American Cichlids or other predatory fish which aren’t large enough to try to make a meal of them.

Tropical Insight

Care Level - Easy

Temperament - Peaceful 

Diet - Omnivore

Max Size - 2.5in

Family - Callichthyidae

Water Recommendations:

Temp. - 72 to 78

Kh - 5 to 19

Ph - 6.0 to 7.5

Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimens.
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