Root - Banana Plant
Root - Banana Plant
13 in stock
Banana plants are very hardy and easy to care for, with a moderate growth rate that won’t get out of control. They prefer tropical temperatures between 68 to 82°F and can survive in low to high light conditions. (Of course, the more light you give it, the faster it’ll grow.) No carbon dioxide (CO2) injection is needed
Tropical Insight
Care Level - Easy
Light - Low to High
Co2 - Not needed
Growth rate - Slow to Fast
Height - Aquatic leaves 6 in, Lilly leaves up to 24in
Propagation - Easy
Family - Manyanthaceae
Water Recommendations:
Temp. - 70 to 80
Ph - 6.0 to 7.2
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimens.